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Tuesday Foods

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India Bell - Australia

Sustainable seafood - 

from the great southern ocean! 

Tuesday Foods is an Australian brand that celebrates food with function. Tuesday supports quality taste with sustainable fishing methods. Tuesday chooses species that are not endangered or farmed. Sourcing the highest quality ingredients, to give you convenient, healthy meals you trust. Tuesday’s premium seafood range is caught off the coast of Albany, Western Australia. Celebrating the local fresh fish from the coldest waters of the Great Southern Ocean. We strive to build our product offering of 100% Australian seafood, supplying customers unique ocean to plate options.

Remember, these inspiring 'educators' are people who have deeply connected with a place or in this case a product, seen its beauty and understood its value, and in response they have set about building a legacy to persuade others to care for it.

How do you persuade people to care?

Photo: Peter Scott


I strive to educate people about the immense importance of sustainability in our seafood industry. Taste and the senses are a great way to reach people's hearts and minds! Bright colourful packaging and clean, evocative wording help entice the customer to ponder the subject further, ultimately arriving at the pinnacle, but why "Tuesday Foods'"? Our response -

'The uncertainty of a Tuesday often arises as Monday’s sting slowly passes by. Tuesday resembles the fork in the road, the ‘to be or not to be’ of the week ahead. We choose optimism, we choose Tuesday as confidence. Indulge in trust and certainty. Post each Monday, comes Tuesday where we can lift our spirit and conquer our week ahead. Taste greatness with our oceans greatest delicacy.' Trust in Tuesday. Trust in sustainable seafood.

If they reach for a product, the process of persuasion is underway! 


The Westerberg Family are a pioneering multigenerational fishing family of Albany who fish for an ocean-to-plate experience. Tony and his son Bryn are the fisherman who catch Sir Albany off the southern tip of Albany and Wild Australian Salmon off Cheynes Beach. Rhonda, Tony’s wife is the master of marinating, while Elle their daughter manages thelogistics. They are a dynamic fishery who care and invest in quality, a streamlined process and above all, family. Together, The Westerberg’s and Tuesday Foods aim to give customers a unique product straight from the ocean, that exceeds people’s expectations in flavour, freshness and texture.



Wild Australian Salmon is of the Arripus Truttaceaus species, belonging to a family offishes (Arripidae) found only in Australia and New Zealand. They are sustainably caught via the beach seine method off Cheynes Beach, 72km East of Albany, where the Westerberg’s have three beach fishing shacks. Cheynes Beach is a paradise inherent to the Westerberg family lifestyle, where skills have been passed down from generation to generation. These wild, toxic- free fish are scaled and cleaned hours after being caught and processed to give customers a range of convenient ready-to eat delights



Sir Albany Sardines are of the Sardinops Sagax species, sustainably caught from the coldest waters of the Great Southern Ocean. They are an under-utilised superfood with a plump but firm texture – a flavour experience on par with fresh oysters or a fine-dining-quality white anchovy. Sir Albany sardines are iced straight from the ocean to avoid any deterioration and filleted freshwithin an hour of being caught. They are then salted, marinated in vinegar and preserved in oil



Sardines and Wild Australian Salmon are Australia’s natural ocean superfood. They are rich in nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids which help prevent heart disease due to their anti- inflammatory properties. They also reduce the risk of blood clots and lower blood pressure. Sardines are one of the best sources of vitamin B-12 and calcium. They contain selenium, a key to neutralising and protecting organs from damage. The rich nutrients and oils play an essential role at the cellular level in skin cells, decreasing skin inflammation and ageing. They are also an under-utilised species caught from the cleanest, pristine waters of South West Australia.

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Dark Ocean
Nautical Rope

Trust in sustainable seafood, trust in Tuesday

Our family fishing, for your family

Tony Westerberg

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